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It is estimated by 2016 the number of users of 3G and 4G networks in Southeast Asia will be more and more.According to the Country Manager of Qualcomm Indonesia "Bernhard Siagian" said wirelless Intelligence will increase by about 226 percent in Southeast Asia.

As in 2011 and has recorded users of 3G and 4G networks as much as 800 million users, which is predicted by 2016 there will be approximately 2.7 billion users of 3G and 4G networks in Southeast Asia. Bernhard said that the highest contributors from Indonesia. As stated in a press conference in Jakarta on June 5, 2013.

Distribution of Smartphone devices in emerging countries such as India, Latin America and Indonesia will predict users donate 3G and 4G networks in 2016. Currently the number of devices shipped approximately 800 million units.

In 2012 there were 46.2 million devices based on 2G networks in Indonesia. And in the same year (2012) as many as 6.7 million new devices using the 3G network by the end of 2012. It is as if giving proof of the magnitude of the potential use of the 3G network in the Indonesian market.

"This shows the huge potential market, will be a huge improvement. This course can be an opportunity for operators," said Bernhard.


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