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History Actually Development Ka 'bah in Mecca

Based Archaeology and Arabic writers Not according to the statement of the Qur'an.

Matters discussed in this section is the actual development of the Ka 'bah in Mecca, who develops and triggers stand Ka'bah; digging Zamzam well, and the Black Stone (Black Stone) in Mecca. Muhammad's statement that Abraham and Ishmael build the Ka 'bah in Mecca proven wrong, especially if we learn the origin of the Black Stone (Hajar Aswad), which is the heart temple. And evidence from the archaeological evidence that the Kaaba was first built in 5 M by As'ad Abu Karb which is one of the heads of the tribes of Yemen. The following comments.

Abraham never came to Mecca, nor the son of Ishmael and Ishmael ie Nabaioth. Nonetheless, ie biografer Muhammad Ibn Ishaq said that Abraham was responsible for the development of the temple Ka 'bah in Mecca, and then managed by Ishmael, and finally by Nabaioth. Essay fairy Ibn Ishaq and his friends are saying that after Nabaioth, Jurhum quarter, which said they lived in Mecca in the days of Abraham, took over management of the Ka 'bah in Mecca. According to their myth, this quarter continued to manage the Ka 'bah until Khuzaa'h quarter came to Mecca from Yemen. This occurs after levee in Ma 'rib started showing signs of cracking and force them to go. Myth tells that Khuzaa quarter 'h came to Mecca, and subordinate Jurhum quarter. Jurhum quarter then leave Mecca to hide the Black Stone and two statues of gold gazelles. They are hiding the goods in the eyes of Zamzam water, then cover the springs, Stone Black and gold statues They covered the ground so as not to appear. The date of this incident is important. According to myth, the tribe lived in Mecca until Jurhum retention Ma 'rib crack, and quarter Khuzaa' h left Mecca. We know that this incident incident occurred in the year 150 AD (Tarikh al-Tabari, I, p. 524)

Islamic hadith evidence ridiculous about Jurhum quarter and concealment efforts fountain of Zamzam and the Black Stone.

First, if the story about Jurhum quarter were true, then why classical writers never mention about Mecca and the shrine of the Ka 'bah when they were visiting the area on the western Arabia, mention all the tribes that lived there, even the smallest ones?

Second, after being defeated, how can bury Jurhum quarter two gold statues of gazelles and big black rock that was located in the temple Ka 'bah without the knowledge of the people of Mecca? Any quarter that left Mecca will certainly bring gold and buried treasure in general, let alone in a sole source springs city of Mecca.

Third, the Black Stone is a large stone. It is not easy to bring the stone out within Ka 'bah. According to the claims of Islam, the war going to determine who is entitled to manage the Ka 'bah. How is it possible that losing war Jurhum quarter trolley can carry without prevented by Black Stone Khuzaa quarter 'h that won the war, or at least a quarter Jurhum not know where the stone is hidden?

Fourth, if the fountain of Zamzam already in western Arabia since olden times, then of course the location of the springs are easy to remember. Water is a very important thing for people who live in the Arabian desert.Islamic Hadith say Zamzam water points already in the era of Abraham, when the angel Gabriel gave water to Hagar and her son Ishmael. If that were true, then would not only knowledge of the Meccan society existence this spring, but also many cities around Mecca. Community will Baduy visitors come to the fountain to drink their cattle. Residents will also often went around to meet their water needs. Water resources can not be hidden, even in spite of the sandbar.

Story Jurhum quarter conceal things of value in the fountain about 200 m further repeated with the addition that Abdul Muttalib, Muhammad's grandfather, found the fountain at the end of the 5th century AD We can conclude that the springs were not present before age Abdul Muttalib, and community Mecca digging in the sand in the area and eventually found the actual water resources are common place in the Middle East. Muslim statement saying that there was a fountain of Zamzam in Mecca for 2,500 years before finally Jurhum quarter covering over 300 years is evidence that does not make sense, because all the springs Arabia Baduy more important to society than the Red Sea. You may be able to hide from the eyes of the sea park Arabia quarter quarter of wear, but you can not hide from their springs to the time for that.

Back again based on evidence and facts Archaeological evidence which shows that in 58 BC to 415 M Arab region is in the colonies. Candragupta emperor (58 BC - 415 AD) expand Hindu Kingdom which includes India, to the far reaches throughout the Arabian Gulf. The Emperor is a loyal follower of the Hindu gods Shiva in particular (the moon god-Allat) and his wife Goddess Dhurga (goddess of the moon-God). Clearer info click here .
Evidence that the Black Stone was hidden for three or four centuries is absurd. Stone was considered a sacred stone in every temple Ka 'bah, because there was considered to represent the moon. Arabian Star Family religious worship with the moon god Allah as his boss is closely linked to the Black Stone. Allah ie Ellat wife is the sun goddess, and they have a daughter that is al-'Uzza and Mannat representing two planets. Arabian Family Star Religion is a combination of Hinduism (India) to influence Yemen. Muslims believe that the Black Stone is of God, that we were a month before the end of the planet Venus degrees replace God. It is not possible that a tribe can hide large stone is worshiped and adored many people. If Jurhum quarter take away the stone from the Ka 'bah, they would have chased the community. Jurhum quarter may not be able to hide the rock in Zamzam water points, places that you visit Mecca every day society.

The story of the Black Stone (Hajar Aswad) contains some important matters. Black Stone was nobody around Mecca until approximately the end of the 5th century AD That is why Islamic hadith try cover this by creating a false historical myth. Black Stone was a key element to every temple Ka 'bah in Arabia. This stone usually comes from other regions, that Yemen, at the end of the 5th century AD

Asa 'd Abu Karb is Developer Ka' bah that fact in Early Century-5 M. It is said that before the Ka 'bah was built, the people Khuzaa' h build a tent at the Ka 'bah was built later. [Al-Azruqi, Mecca Press, 1, p. 6].Khuzaa quarter 'h coming from Yemen around the 2nd century AD In the century-4 M, they head to the place where Mecca was built later. Because they could not find the temple to worship, they set up tents to serve in a field.

Evidence from the 8th century writer M, which heard evidence from antiquity Muhammad, stating that Ka 'bah was built in the early 5th century pagan Himyarit M by a Yemeni tribal chief named Asa' d Abu Karb. He was also called by the name Abu Karb Asa'd, and the Yemeni authorities in the 410-435 M. [A. Jamme, WF, Sabaean Inscriptions from Mahram Bilqis (Ma 'rib), the Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1962, Volume III, p.387: writing given top ranking by G. Ryckmans, G. Ryckmans, Le Museon 66 (1953), p. 363-7, p1.V; quoted by KA Kitchen, Documentation For Ancient Arabia, Part I, Liverpool University Press, 1994, p. 219]

The fact that the Islamic historians admit Asa 'd Abu Karb as the first leader in the history surrounding the Ka' bah is an important indicator that he is developer Ka 'bah actually. [Al-Azruqi, Press Mecca, 1:173; Yaqut al-Hamawi, Mujam al-Buldan, 4:463] Enveloped temple Ka 'bah with curtain / kiswah is the second most important after finished building her temple. This level includes decorating the inside of the wall, place the carpet on the floor and walls, and adding jewelry in various parts of the temple. (The Arabs will not worship in temples not decorated and capped curtain.). Asa 'd tell Amir Abu Karb from Azed to develop part of the Ka' bah. [Ibn Saad, Tabakat, 1, p. 64] (Azed is a tribe that came from Yemen in the coming quarter equivalent Khazaa 'h.) Asa' d certainly developing Abu Karb Ka 'bah in the same place where the worship tent erected by Khuzaa quarter' p.

Asa'd Abu Karb, also called Tubb'a, occupied the town of Yathrib before coming to Mecca. [Ibn Hisham 1, p.20] It appears that he found many of the temples in Yathrib, but when he arrived in Mecca, he could not find any temple. Because the people of Mecca is a newcomer from Yemen, Asa 'd Abu Karb developing for stylish modest temple in Yemen. He erected this temple that happens good relations between the people of Mecca and himself. He also wrote a poem about the sun sets in a pool of mud, and this is also referred to Muhammad in the Qur'an.

Other Additional parts Built by the Quraysh tribe in Ka 'bah

Quraysh tribe, which is the native Muhammad, and conquered the city of Mecca. They get black stone from Yemen, until they looked like temple Ka 'bah alia, the right to religion Star Family of Arabia, who worship done around a black stone. Family Star religion began in Yemen, the home before moving to the Quraysh tribe of Mecca. Ka 'bah was built first Asa' d Abu Karb roofed wood. But this wooden roof caught fire, so they use wood boat brought Byzantium, which stops at the Red Sea coast that is "al-Shaebieth." Perahi owner is named Bachum Coptic Egyptians. She sold it in their wood and then wood made into a roof Ka 'bah. [Halabieh 1, p.235: Ibn Hisham I, page 157; al-Azruqi, Press Mecca I, p. 104] Later, when Muhammad was young, ornate decorations and the other added the Ka 'bah. [Tarikh al-Tabari, I, p. 526]

Fact Mecca temple development should make Muslims question the evidence ² Ibn Ishaq and his friends about the city, and also evidence of Muhammad in the Qur 'an that the Ka' bah was built by Abraham and Ishmael.

Developing Yemeni society Temple Ka 'bah in Mecca
Quarter Khuzaa 'h from Yemen developing Mecca in the 4th century AD Yemeni pagan religious worship has left fingerprints at various temples Ka 'bah, and clearly shows that the builders had not Abraham and Ishmael.

We will discuss why various procedures and customs of worship Yemen appears clear in Ka 'bah in Mecca.Words and familiarity Muhammad called Sunnah. Collection of books of Hadith "Sahih Muslim" and "Sahih Bukhari" as having the word Muhammad. In the book we read a book that familiarity Muhammad embraced and kissed two miles, the "Yemeni Corner" and "Black Rock.". Ibn Abbas, Muhammad's cousin and reporting hadith says that Muhammad often embraced two Pillars Yamani ². By "Pillar ² Yamani" is the Black Stone and other rock again called Pillar. [Sahih Muslim 9, hal.15]. From this evidence we know that the Ka 'bah contains two charms are called Pillars. Second is posted on the Ka'aba stone and is called "Yamani" so they can be aware that these rocks originated from Yemen. It also strengthens that Family Star Religion Arabia is a combination of Hinduism (India) (worshiping the god Shiva / symbolized the crescent moon) with the influence of Yemeni culture, also strengthens the evidence that the Ka 'bah was built by Asa ie Yemen leader' d Abu Karb, appropriate with the ordinances of worship Yemen, especially religious worship Family Star Arabia. God is the head, and the sun is Ellat his wife, their daughter and the second is al-Uzza and Manat.

Corner of the wall "Pillar / Yamani Corner" located in the lower left Ka 'bah in the picture above.

Muslim busy hugging and kissing rock "Yemeni Corner" on the corner of the Ka 'bah. It turns out not only the stone Black Stone diciumi Muslim, but stone pillars / Yamani Corner too. Black Stone apparently brought from Yemen in the days of Abdul Muttalib, Muhammad's grandfather. Islamic Hadith stating the rock and Zamzam water points lost for centuries before the era of Muhammad. I have mentioned that the description does not make sense. The facts show that Muhammad and Islamic traditions strive linking Yemen pagan worship of ancestors grandfather Muhammad and Abraham and Ishmael, though contrary to the historical facts of it. Let's study this.

First, the city of Mecca was built after the 4th century AD Abu Karb Asa 'd is the first developer Ka' bah, at the moment his power in Yemen in AD 410-435 Second Pillar, that sacred stone Ka 'bah, originating from Yemen. Black Stone first appeared in Mecca in the days of Muhammad's grandfather, ie around 495-520 M.Although Islamic hadith mentions this, but Muslims still have to create myths to cover the gap of history.

The important thing that proves the person who set up Yamanlah Ka 'bah in Mecca and also in manufacturing there in Himyarit government in Yemen. Abu Karb Asa'd, Himyarit king, trying to extend his power reach the central western Arabia dominate use spice spice trade route from Yemen to Northern Arabia, and then into the Fertile Crescent region (Fertile Crescent). Abu Karb Asa 'd or Tubb' a master of the western Arabian city center in the early twentieth century-5 M, including the city of Mecca and Yahtrib (later called Medina). The Superintendent of Yemen want to unite the various cities in the kingdom by strengthening the Yemeni religious worship which had been subscribed by the people of Mecca who also originated from Yemen. Yathrib city built by two Yemeni tribes, namely Aws and Khazraj. Second quarter to leave Yemen while retention in situ cracks in the 150 m, and they settled in Yathrib, which has long occupied the Jewish quarter ie Banu Qurayza ² and An-Nadr. Abu Karb Asa 'd in Yemen. He developed the Ka 'bah in Mecca to strengthen its position in the city, and in order to appease the Meccan society previously had no place of worship temple. Just as Abu Karb Asa 'd, they Yamani pagan religion.

Green area is the Fertile Crescent region (Fertile Crescent).

Tubb'a teachings of pagan myth and the Jews of Yemen and its influence on society Arabia in central western Arabia, and finally to Muhammad. Tubb 'also trying to develop a relationship with the Jewish community in Yathrib. He studied and their religious thinking. In addition he also studied Jewish fairy tale, such as birds hupu the government announced the Saba at Solomon. This myth comes from Jewish fairy book titled "Second Targum of Esther (Second Targum of Esther)". Muhammad delivered this fairy in the Qur 'an.
Included in its work, Tubb 'a lead of two Jewish rabbis to Yemen. [Al-Tabari, I, p. 426-428; al-Ya 'akubi I, p.226] They taught her about the various Jewish religious worship fairy ² with the Jewish community, so Tubb 'a capable of mixing it into a pagan religion of Yemen. For example, he combines worship with fairy ² Star Arabia Jews. With knowledge of this jumble, he can hope to control the various district central western Arabia, where the people of Arabia and the Jews lived. He then claimed to be a prophet, decomposes detailed explanation about the sun, the earth, and the universe was right by the people of Yemen. In Mecca, in order to convince his audience that he is a prophet, Tubb 'a sunset teaches that the black muddy pond. [Tarikh al-Tabari, I, p.429] This fable has also been cited in the Qur 'an by Muhammad.

Tubb'a after his death, his teachings in mind and told repeatedly by many community groups, even survive until the age of Muhammad. Muhammad assume Tubb 'a prophet, as Muslims and equivalents. [Halabieh I, page 280] There is a lot of myth about Tubb 'a between the Arab community. Al-Tabari tells fought victory in China and Tibet. This obviously is the wrong historical evidence, but showed substantially influence Tubb 'a community of Arabia in the days of Muhammad, until ² many who regard him as a prophet. [Tarikh al-Tabari, I, p. 331, 332, 360]

Ka'aba in Mecca Star was built for religious Arabia, and contains all the attributes of the Ka'bah which was built for the worship of other religions. The fact that the temple Ka 'bah in Mecca was built as a temple for religious worship Star Arabia appears in various respects.

First, the exact same shape as various Ka 'bah in Arabia. Ka 'bah this is a religious shrine Star Family of Arabia, where God is regarded as a leader, and Ellat as his wife. All Ka 'bah have Black Stone as the most sacred thing. This stone represents the god Star Arabia. Many of the black stone is a stone meteorites actually seen the Arabs fell from heaven to earth. They calculate the meteor rocks an apostle apostle of the month, and they thought the moon was God. It is believed before the title of God was given to Venus, which replaces the position of head of the Family Star month. In addition, the main entrance of the Ka 'bah Mecca referred to as "sun worshipers of the church door," [Halabieh I, p. 236] and the sun is the wife of God.

Muhammad Allowing religious origins of the Ka 'bah was from Yemen.
role of religion in the development of the Yemeni pagan temple Ka 'bah in Mecca and religious teachings in Meccan society can not hide. Even Muhammad himself admitted in several hadiths that the origin of the religious system Mecca is Yemen. For example in the hadith of al-Bukhari in which Muhammad said, "The Faith of the Yemeni people, fikih from the Yemen, Yemen wisdom." In another hadith, he said, "Faith and religious order from the Yemen." [Al-Bukhari 5, p. 122; Halabieh I, p. 259] Therefore, not only the sacred stone in the Ka'ba Ruku in Yemen, but also setting the rules of religion, doctrine, and faith in Yemen. It was clear to the Ka'bah in Mecca was built by the Yemeni leader to suit your style and arrangement Yemeni pagan religious worship. He founded the religion of Yemen in Mecca, and his religion is also known in other parts of Arabia. So, how could Abraham could build the Ka'bah, if we have the historical record of the development of the Ka 'bah is true? How could the Black Stone can be from heaven, and how do I get it and developing Abraham Ka 'bah in the area, if the stone was not in Mecca before the 5th century M? How could the teachings of Muhammad comes from God through the angel Gabriel, though the origin of religion is from Yemen?

Member of the famous Egyptian Muslim ie Islam Tah Hussein criticized for linking culture Ka'bah shrine in Mecca with prominent figures of Abraham and Ishmael. [Quoted from Alessandro Bausani, L 'Islam, Garzanti Milano, 1980, p. 208] Tah said, "The case of this problem is very obvious because the Ka 'bah is a new building that was built before the advent of Islam. Muslims use it to excuse religious reasons." [Collection of Mizan al-Islam by Anwar al-Jundi, p. 170: Behind the Veil, p. 184]

Year Development Ka 'bah by Quarter Khuzaa'h
Many historical elements that help us to know when exactly Mecca was built. One key element is the harm caused to the barrage Ma'rib in Yemen around the year 150 AD This damage can result in various families and tribes migrated into northern Yemen. One of the family is a family of Amru bin Amer, which Yemenite tribes produce many offspring. One of the quarter is the quarter Khuzaa 'h, who dwells in central western Arabia.They shall build the city of Mecca.

From the history books of Tabari, famous Arabian historians, we know that these things happen at the same time Lakhmids race went from Yemen to Mesopotamia. At the same time, Amru bin Amer, father Khuzaa 'h, to leave Yemen. [Tarikh al-Tabari, I, p. 431 and 360 also mentions about MAAD bin Adnan tribe of the sons of immigrants from Yemen Hira in Mesopotamia region. ] Lakhmids Nations arrived in the area of Mesopotamia, in the city of Hira, in the 2nd century BC. Later the Persians used them to keep the borders of Persia and the Byzantine Empire, which was dominated Syria. King first Lakhmids Amr I bin Adi, who were dominant in the 265-295 M. [KA Kitchen, Documentation For Ancient Arabia, Part I, Liverpool University Press, 1994, p. 251] destruction retention Ma 'rib quarter results, such as Ghassan ² gone live on the border of Yemen and Byzantium. [James Montgomery, Arabia and the Bible, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 1934, p. 126: Montgomery also collect Philby, The Heart of Arabia, II, p. 97] this quarter Quarter still akin to each other because they are descended Amru bin Amer. Shamar tribe also left Yemen and dwelt in the desert Syria, another quarter quarter went to northern Arabia and the Fertile Crescent region (Fertile Crescent). The Aws and Khazraj tribe to leave Yemen and live in Yathrib, which later known as Medina, the Jewish tribe of Banu Qurayza tribe and An-Nadir had been living. Ozd tribe al-Overload go to al-Loaded near Orfeh, not far from the place where Mecca was built later. Khuzaa quarter 'h stay in a place called al-Mur Mur or Thahran, also not far from the place where Mecca was built later.

Built Mecca Quarter Khuzaa'h as Relay / Remote Station on Line Commerce Spices Spices
No town named Mecca in the district, if any, would Khuzaa quarter 'h and Ozd will occupy, as the Aws and Khazraj of Yathrib occupies. Over a half-century, quarter Khuzaa 'h stay in the area near Mecca later developed. They then decided to build substation / caravan station of the band where the traders can rest and commerce transactions. If Mecca had existed before the quarter Khuzaa 'h migrated from Yemen, Mecca would be where they make a living. They waited more than 170-200 years before finally developing the city, which became rival Yathrib as the resting place of the caravan, which is 200 miles to the north. They then named the depot / station as Mecca.

Important to remember that there is no sort of Yemeni tribes that inhabited Mecca. If Mecca already in antiquity retention Ma 'rib broken (about 150 m), there would have many ² Yemeni tribe living in Mecca, because it lies closer to the Yemeni city of Yathrib. Because the district Mecca once empty and isolated, and Khuzaa quarter Ozd ² 'h attracted to live there, although they used to live in a big city Ma' rib, which is the capital of Saba. Finally quarter Khuzaa 'h developing Mecca in the 4th century AD

Let us comment on some important historical facts. I have shown how the quarter Khuzaa 'h from Yemen establish Mecca in the 4th century AD We also saw the temple connection Ka 'bah in Mecca to worship the pagan religion of Yemen. All this proves the Islamic claim that Abraham and Ishmael build the Ka 'bah in Mecca ² is indeed contrary to the facts of history. Developing faith with sand track is unwise action. Beliefs that do not have a true historical fact is not accurate to make life guidelines.

1. Archaeology fact not uttered the name Mecca in the Inscriptions Inscription Assyria (911-891 BC) ...... click here
2. Mecca is not mentioned in the reign of Sargon II (721-705 BC.) ........ click here
3. Mecca is not mentioned in the reign of Sennacherib (705-681 BC) ..... click here
4. Mecca is not mentioned mentioned during the reign of Assurbanipal (669-626 BC) ..... click here
5. Unquoted Mecca as a center of religion, while the Arab quarter quarter Dumah known as a center of religion. (7 BC) ....... click here

Why Archaeological Fact Source of Islamic History (Muhammad and Hadist) about Arab history, Mecca, the Ka'ba and Zam Zam different!, Which is true , [ Archaeology - According to Islam ]

Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP

1. http://trulyislam.blogspot.com/2009/01/sejarah-arab-mekah-kabah-zamzam.html
2. http://majlisdzikrullahpekojan.org/kisah-quran-dan-hadist/sejarah-kabah.html
5. http://trulyislam.blogspot.com/2009/01/sejarah-arab-mekah-kabah-zamzam.html

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