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Meaning Antioxidants - Antioxidants-way functions work Antioxidants - Antioxidants type type

Antioxidants are now central public discussion, every good product is food or cosmetic treatments are competing include antioxidant nutrients into their products. Antioxidants actually what the hell is?, And what does it do?

Meaning antioxidants
Antioxidants are nutrients needed by the body. In the human body there are free radicals, as a byproduct of the process of the formation energy. On a certain amount, free radicals needed in order to help the white blood cells or to destroy or consume lekosit germs into the body.

Our blood every time pushing oxygen into the body's cells. Oxygen helps cells transform nutrients into energy. In normal conditions, the molecules in the cell has a complete electron pair to stabilize. When it made contact with oxygen, the molecule oxidized to lose electrons. Unstable molecule is then transformed into a so-called free radicals. So, free radicals are natural products yield cellular metabolism. Whether his natural free radical to us to breathe the air. Antioxidants are the compounds that can delay, slow or inhibit the oxidation reaction to food or medicine where compound-compound is easily oxidized to other protected cells from free radicals.
Antioxidants are substance that neutralize free radicals for compound-compound is sacrificing himself so that oxidized to other cells can protect from free radicals or protect cells from the harmful effects of reactive oxygen free radicals where the case with respect to disease-free radicals which itself can be derived from the results of metabolism or other external factors

Antioxidants are substances that can slow or prevent the oxidation process. This substance could significantly slow down or inhibit the oxidation of the substance / element easily oxidized even in low concentrations. Antioxidants are also suitable defined as compound-compound that protects cells from the harmful effects of reactive oxygen free radicals if related to disease, free radicals can be derived from the metabolism of the body or other external factors. Free radicals are unstable substances, because it has no unpaired electrons and find pairs of electrons in biological macromolecules.Lipida protein and DNA from healthy human cells is a good source of electron pairs. Oxidation conditions can cause protein and DNA damage, cancer, aging, and disease lainnya.Komponen chemicals act as antioxidants are the phenolic and polyphenolic compounds. Showed the presence of the compound-are abundant in nature, especially in plants, and has the ability to capture free radicals. Antioxidants are found in many foodstuffs, among others, vitamin E, vitamin C, and carotenoids.

But sometimes, free radicals in the body too much to mutilate the body. Evil action this excess free radicals can cause premature aging, because mutilate compounds that can get rid of fat leather tension resulting in wrinkles. Way antioxidants work in general is inhibited fat oxidation.

Besides preventing premature aging, antioxidant disinyalir also able to prevent the growth of breast cancer cells in women. Antioxidants such as flavonoids, glycosides, and polyphenols are also able to prevent Alzheimer's disease (senile diseases in seniors) and cardiovascular (heart and blood vessel disease).

There are two ways of getting antioxidants, ie from outside the body (exogenous) way through the food and beverages that contain vitamin C, E, or betakaroten, and antioxidants can also be in the can from the body (endogenous), which is the enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD ), glutathione peroxidase (GSH Px), perxidasi, and catalase are produced by the body as an antioxidant.

However, the advantages of antioxidants is also not good for health. Based on the study, the consumption of excessive antioxidants (from food or supplements) can increase the risk of liver damage.
Antioxidants expected peace in the use or non-toxic, effective at low concentrations (0.01 to 0.02%), available at quite affordable price, and resistant product manufacturing processes. Antioxidants important in fighting free radicals, but the excess capacity causing damage Tues Metrotvnews.com , Maryland: Some antioxidants looked like a double-edged sword. Substance is capable of healing the sick but can also devastate a number of DNA and kill healthy cells in the body. Gazetted so geniusbeauty.com, Friday (6/4) local time.

Kyungjae Myung, genetics and molecular biology of the National Human Genome Research Institute, was surprised on this findings. Not everyone looks good antioxidant for the body. Some components of this substance was shown to be useful in cancer treatment, but also can be dangerous when applied in patients with patients with other diseases them, such as diabetes.

Many people are competing to increase antioxidant levels in the consumption of fruit, vegetables, nuts, and vitamin supplements. Antioxidants fight free radicals believed to be capable of causing random chemical reactions occur in the body, which sometimes devastate cell components, including DNA. This can result in the emergence of various diseases.

Doctor admits Myung need further study related temuannya antioxidants. When this theory proved to be true, there will be a fundamental change to the function of antioxidants in the medical world. So far, the new scientists focused attention on 22 types of antioxidants that damage DNA, such as resveratrol, genistein, and baikalein

Is advantageous that there are nutritional approaches to protect the body from damage caused by free radicals.Antioxidants are powerful nutrients that have shown efficiency in minimizing the effects of free radicals. Antioxidants are free radical shock, and is available in natural environment on food crops. Accordingly, when we do not get it in the mode and adequate amounts, toxic chemical substances will damage the cells and makes the body susceptible to disease.

The body requires large amounts of antioxidants to help destroy free radicals, enhance growth of healthy cells and protect the cells from premature aging. A lot of the damage that can be repaired in a short time by the brain and the body's way of giving antioxidants in repeated doses. Eating fruits and vegetables at the time was really ripe and mengonsumsinya in fresh form (stylized as little as possible), without peeling the skin gives the body antioxidants wines.

Organic products contain antioxidant compounds, which are also rich in taste and nutrition. Important to note that the already healthy lifestyle, you will still appear free radicals. Antioxidants found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seeds, nuts, and more other natural food. A growing number of antioxidants that the body is obtained, the better the body adapt to stress.

Sources of antioxidants
Based on original, consisting of antioxidants antioksigen emanating from within the body (endogenous) and outside the body (exogenous). Sometimes endogenous antioxidant systems are not sufficiently able to cope with excessive oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is a condition when antioxidant mechanisms are not enough to break spesi reactive oxygen.Therefore, the necessary antioxidants from outside (exogenous) to handle it.

Coffee - A cup of coffee we drink every morning turned out to be just makes us awake and enthusiastic. Recent research in America shows that coffee is a major source of antioxidants. Coffee coffee drink should not be that hard, decaffeinated coffee (decaf) also give the same amount of antioxidants. Enough to drink one or two cups of coffee every day has given the necessary antioxidants needed.

Tea - Basically tea leaves contain three main components, namely giving effect penyemangat caffeine, tannins that give a sense of strength, and polyphenols, which have many health properties. Polyphenols in tea are antioxidant strength 100 times more effective than vitamin C and 25 times higher than that of vitamin E. Tea is rich in antioxidants, antioxidant activity in the blood of tea drinkers will meningkat41 - 48% after 30 minutes of green tea and black tea 50 minutes after.Tea can also reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and protect against the appearance of esophageal cancer. To get nutritional antioxidants in tea, it is recommended that we menyeduh tea in hot water for three minutes. Do not drink hot tea, because thus induce cancer incidence throat, esophagus due to blister and wound up creating susceptible to cancer.

Scientific data showing a hardworking individual consumes the resources of antioxidants have a greater chance of youth.Also prevent from diseases associated with aging such as cancer and respiratory. Other good step through decreasing the intake of total calories derived from carbohydrates and fats. Calories can accelerate premature aging due to turn it into energy needed more oxygen. But on the other hand a lot of oxygen free radicals trigger derived from reactive oxygen compounds, which then attack the cells and ultimately accelerate the process of premature aging. Therefore, let's antioxidant intake Expand

Antioxidants can be found in the following food types:
1. Whole foods and food nonrafinasi.
2. Tetumbuhan natural: fresh fruit, wheat, herb plants, whole grains (food products made from whole grain cereals), vegetables, nuts, seeds.
3. Raw food.
4. Oils made with extortion conditioning (olive, canola, flax).
5. Sea grass.
6. Sprout.
7. Meat and free-range eggs (farm animals roam free diumbar).

Antioxidants classification based on source
There are two kinds of antioxidants based on its source, which is a natural antioxidant and synthetic antioxidants.

Natural antioxidant
natural antioxidants are usually more desirable, because a better level of security and wider benefits dibidang food, health and natural kosmetik.Antioksidan be found in vegetables, fruits, and woody plants. Secondary metabolites in plants derived from the alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, quinones, tannins, steroids / triterpenoids. Quezada et al. (2004) indicate that the fraction of alkaloids in the leaves "Peumus boldus" could act as an antioxidant. Zin "et al". (2002) stated that the active compounds as antioxidants in the stems, fruits, and leaves derived from the flavonoid Noni. Gingseng acts as an antioxidant, antidiabetic, antihepatitis, antistres, and antineoplastics, contain saponin glycosides (steroidal glycosides).Antioxidant activity test performed on the leaf "Ipomea pescaprae" indicates the presence of quinone compounds, coumarin, and furanokumarin. Much tannin in tea are believed to have high antioxidant activity. Meanwhile, Iwalokum "et al". (2007) state that "Pleurotus ostreatus" which contains triterpenoids, tannins, and glycosides sterois could act as an antioxidant and antimicrobial properties.

Natural antioxidants in food can be derived from (a) existing antioxidant compounds from one or two food components, (b) an antioxidant compound that is formed from reactions during processing, (c) antioxidant compounds isolated from natural sources and added to food as food additives (Pratt, 1992).

Antioxidant compounds isolated from natural sources are derived from plants. Plant Kingdom, Angiosperm have reached about 250,000 and 300,000 species of this amount approximately 400 species have been able to become human food supply. Isolation of a natural antioxidant has been done from the plant can be eaten, but not always from the top to eat.Natural antioxidant spread in some parts of crops, such as wood, bark, roots, leaves, fruits, flowers, seeds and pollen (Pratt, 1992).

Natural antioxidant plant compounds generally are phenolic or polyphenolic compounds which can be either of flavonoid, sinamat acid derivatives, coumarin, tocopherol and acid-organic acid polifungsional. The flavonoids that have antioxidant activity covers flavon flavonols, isoflavones, kateksin, flavonols and Chalcone. While sinamat acid derivatives include kafeat acid, ferulic acid, klorogenat, and others.

Synthetic antioxidants
sources of antioxidants can be grouped into two groups, namely the synthetic antioxidants (antioxidants Synthesis of the results obtained from chemical reactions) and natural antioxidants (natural substances antioxidant extraction yield).

Some examples of synthetic antioxidants are permitted its use for food, and its use has been frequently used, namely anisol butyl hydroxy (BHA), butyl hydroxy toluene (BHT), propyl error, tert-butyl hidoksi quinones (TBHQ) and tocopherol. The antioxidant Antioxidants are natural antioxidants that have been produced in synthetases for commercial purposes.

Antioxidants based classification mechanism works
Based on the mechanism works, antioxidants differentiated into primary antioxidants can react with free radicals or turn it into a stable product, and secondary antioxidants or preventive antioxidants that can reduce the initial speed of the chain reaction and antioxidant tertiary. The working mechanism of cellular antioxidants according to Ong et al. (1995) among others, antioxidants that interact directly with oxidants, free radicals, or a single oxygen; prevent the formation of reactive oxygen types; transform type rekatif be less toxic oxygen; prevent reactive oxygen capacity and restore damage caused.

Primary antioxidants
Antioxidants primary role to prevent the formation of new free radicals and terminate the chain reaction transforming it into a more stable product.

Examples of primary antioxidant, is the enzyme superoxide dimustase (SOD), catalase, and glutathione dimustase.

Secondary Antioxidants
Antioxidants function captures secondary compounds and prevent radical chain reaction.

Examples of which secondary antioxidants namely vitamin E, vitamin C, and ß-carotene.

Antioxidant Tertiary
tertiary Antioxidants work to improve cell and tissue damage caused by free radicals.

For example, DNA repair enzyme that is at the heart of the cell is sulfoksida methionine reductase.

Antioxidant testing methods

Several test methods are used to seeing the antioxidant activity

DPPH method Pengujuan Antioxidants
One of the methods used for testing is the method of DPPH antioxidant activity .. DPPH method is based on the ability of antioxidants to inhibit free radicals and hydrogen atoms donated. Purple discoloration reddish purple DPPH be used to find out the antioxidant activity of compounds. This method uses as a standard positive control to know the antioxidant activity of the sample. This could be a positive control tocopherol, BHT, and vitamin C. Test the antioxidant activity by DPPH method using 1,1-diphenyl-2-pikrilhidra-zil (DPPH) as free radicals. The principle is the reaction of hydrogen by DPPH arrest of antioxidant compounds, such troloks, which turn it into 1,1-diphenyl-2-pikrilhidrazin.

Antioxidant testing methods for CR
solution Ce (IV) sulfate is given in the sample will attack antioksidan.Senyawa antioxidant compounds could act as an electron transfer, then the destruction of the structure by reactive electron that comes from strong bleaching as Ce (IV) does not occur. This method is based on the spectrophotometric measurement performed at a wavelength of 320 nm. [3] This wavelength is used to measure the Ce (IV), which does not react with quercetin and other flavonoid compounds. [3] The capacity reduction of Ce (IV) concentration in the sample can be measured and make appropriate pH Ce (IV) only oxygenate antioxidants, and other non-organic compounds that may be oxidized. This makes the determination of the maximum wavelength and pH values important to be known and cared for in order to avoid friction measurement wavelength for measurement.

Antioxidants used broad as ingredients of food supplements in the hope of helping to keep health and prevent diseases such as cancer and heart disease koroner.Walaupun preliminary study mensugestikan that antioxidant supplements could improve health, further clinical trials are not successful in large scale detected a profit tersebut.Sebaliknya-profits, excessive intake of supplements can even be harmful. In addition, compound-antioxidant compounds are also widely used for industrial purposes, such as food additives and cosmetic substances.

Dangers of free radicals

As unstable molecules, free radicals always strives to "steal" electrons other molecules in the body to make it stable again.It can destroy buildings and structures of the body's cells and change their size and shape. Imagine the destruction of these cells as perkaratan crush iron by oxygen forms.

Damage cells will eventually give rise to adverse impacts on health. Excessive free radicals can trigger and exacerbating heart disease, infections, tumors and cancer, eye diseases (such as cataracts and glaucoma), skin disorders (such as allergies and dermatitis), and others as well as accelerating the aging process.

Normally, the body has a natural defense system to neutralize free radicals that do not grow to be dangerous. However, environmental influences and bad habits such as ultraviolet radiation, pollution, consuming habit "junk food" and smoking can make the immune system overwhelmed face a large number of free radicals.

Consuming more antioxidants helps the body to neutralize harmful free radicals. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals play a role with the "donate" electrons to make it stable. Estimated that more than 4,000 compounds in foods that function as antioxidants. The most studied is beta carotene (pro-vitamin A), vitamin C, vitamin E, phenolic acids, selenium, chlorophyll, carotenoids, flavonoids, glutasion, coenzyme Q10, melatonin, and lycopene. It should be noted that non-antioxidant vitamin A itself.

Vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, spices and tea / green tea antioxidant rich foods. For those of you busy and tend to not be able to eat a balanced diet, health supplements are now widely available which provide extra antioxidants in practice.

Sure you often listen to free radicals and antioxidants good on the radio or television. What exactly is a free radical and antioxidant properties of the whole. Free radicals are molecules lose electrons, so that the molecules become unstable and always strive to take electrons from other molecules or cells. Free radicals can be produced from the results of the body's metabolism and external factors such as cigarette smoke, ultraviolet radiation yield, chemical substances in food and other pollutants.

Diseases caused by free radicals is chronic, that it takes many years for the disease to become obvious. Examples of diseases that are often associated with free radicals is heart attack, cancer, cataracts, and declining renal function. To prevent or reduce chronic disease due to free radicals required antioxidants.

In fact, the human body can neutralize these free radicals, only when the amount is too much, then the ability to menetralisirnya will be on the wane. Smoking, for example, are activities that are deliberately incorporating multiple chemical pesticides which are free radicals in the body. The human body was designed to accept the intake of a natural that when receiving input departments like cigarette smoke, will strive to produce a variety of chemical toxins from the body through metabolism, but this metabolism were actually produce free radicals. In intnya, smoking activity completely useless for the body, even the old can be found smokers run.

Free radicals take electrons from the cell of the human body can cause changes in the DNA structure to emerge mutant cells. When these DNA changes occur many years, it can be a canker disease. The human body, can indeed produce antioxidants but only every so often is not enough to neutralize free radicals that enter the body. Or often, the trigger substance needed by the body to produce enough antioxidants not consumed.

For example, the human body can produce Glutathione, one of the very powerful antioxidant, it's just that, the body needs vitamin C intake of 1,000 mg to trigger the body to produce these glutahione. The balance between antioxidants and free radical oxidative stress key preventive and chronic diseases it produces.

Free Radical properties
devastation cells by reactive free radicals damage cell membranes preceded by, with its process as follows:
There was a covalent bond between free radicals and membrane components (membrane enzymes, carbohydrate components of the plasma membrane), which results in changes in the structure and function receptors.
Oxidation cluster thiols in membrane components by free radicals that cause cross-membrane transport process is interrupted.
reaction of membrane lipid peroxidation and cholesterol-containing compound unsaturated fatty acid (PUFA = Poly unsaturated Fatty Acid). Revenue membrane lipid peroxidation by free radicals directly take effect on cell membrane damage, among other things by changing the fluidity, cross-linking, membrane structure and function and causes cell death.
During normal conditions the body has defense mechanisms against free radicals. Cells by free radical damage can occur when the new body's defense mechanisms decreased ability.

Antioxidants inhibit the Aging Process
Everyone definitely want long-lived. And everything will be done to make it happen. But grow old is destiny, the law of nature that could never be avoided. But now, with the discovery of the members felt that the fate of the (aging) can be slowed. Aging can be inhibited by a substance called antioxidants. But, what is an antioxidant? We have seen together that health is the cornerstone and major in human life than others such as department, authority, status, or wealth. Without optimal health, everything will be meaningless, because it is healthy and fit is something longed for each orang.Studi epidemiology shows connected closely between health status and life expectancy age man with consumption patterns.Local communities that consume a lot of protein, fat, sugar and salt, for example, it appears more and more found in patients with degenerative diseases compared to people in the region who consume a lot of carbohydrates, fiber and vitamins.

Country with the majority of residents aged long as Japanese, consume foods that are rich in nuts, vegetables and fruits as well as green tea to practice. Eskimo community whose life is not free from fish consumption, rarely found in patients with heart disease. Clusters of society accustomed consume fermented milk has also turned out to mean a long life.

One thing that has always been a worry every man (read women) is obsolete. So high concernment this matter to making the most of women willing to do anything to be able to various efforts to prevent it, including to perform plastic surgery.Aging (aging) is a natural process that happens to every human being. This is because every cell in the body has a limited network or a specific limit in growth and development. Generally enter old age (40s years) for the physical body due to aging pace. Some of the changes observed amongst these structures become more dry skin, wrinkles accompanied wrinkles, white pigment in the hair, eyesight becomes less alert, less memory, pain in bones and joints, as well as sexual organ disfunction. The aging process can actually be inhibited, depending on how we know what factors trigger the occurrence of the aging process, thus we can be more alert and vigilant. Cause of the aging process in general triggered by two factors, namely external factors and internal factors. External factors (environment) is the main cause of the occurrence of the aging process, this factor consists of the pollutant substances (pollutants), and ultra-violet rays (UV).Whereas internal factors are more due to the bad personality yourself, such as healthy lifestyle patterns (often consume fatty foods, and drinking alcohol), excessive stress, and less work.

Antioxidants, Essence Barricades Aging
Antioxidants are substances that are anti to the other substances employed as oxidants or often referred to as free radicals. Oxygen free radicals are a type of atomic arrangement is not perfect. This substance is a hazardous substance that is very reactive and destructive nature mesh body organs to give rise to various diseases in old age.

Free radicals arise as a result of life itself. Every living being will produce free radicals as byproducts of the process of the formation energy. Energy produced from the metabolism of oxygenate (burn) nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. In this free-radical oxidation processes follow terproduksi.

Apart from the metabolism, free radicals also appear on every combustion process, such as smoking, cooking, burning of fossil fuels in machinery and motor vehicles. When ultraviolet rays burst a continuous thing, electron atoms such things will spring from its orbit, and was created the free radicals. Free radicals are always scattered everywhere.

In general, all cell network organs can ward off free radicals in the cell because there is a specific enzyme that is able to fight it, but because humans are naturally experiencing degradation or setback in line with growing age, the result pemunahan free radicals can not be fulfilled with the good, then Crashes network develops slowly. For example: the skin becomes wrinkled due to loss of elasticity of the collagen and muscle tissue, the occurrence of brown pigment spots / flek senile, Parkinson.s, Alzheimer's because the nerve cell walls are composed of polyunsaturated fatty acids is padded from free radical attack.

Antioxidants are compounds that prevent the process of oxidation by free radicals. When anti-oxidants attack free radicals, they were allies, and united. Further newly formed free radicals are relatively weak and do no harm.

Well, so that free radicals are not rampant, then the body will produce its own antioxidant nutrients. Antioxidant produced in the body (endogenous) in the form of three enzymes, namely, superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx), catalase, and non-enzyme, which is a small protein compound glutathione. Third enzymes and glutathione compounds that neutralize free radicals work. Jobs are being helped by the intake of antioxidants from outside (exogenous) derived from foodstuffs. Such as vitamin E, C, betakaroten and flavonoid derived from plants.

Increased prevalence of degenerative diseases in Indonesia, motivating food and nutrition researchers Indonesia to explore the compound-antioxidant compounds derived from natural sources. High biodiversity and richness of indigenous materials to be named by God to the people of Indonesia, is a very valuable potential and beneficial to the community's health.

Vitamin A, a fat-soluble vitamin A, is reported to react with free radicals through rangkapnya bond structures.

Vitamin E, an anti-oxidant Vitamin E is a fat-soluble, which must be added to the food. How to work as an anti-oxidant Vitamin E Vitamin E adalaha run throughout the body along the name-density molecules, and to protect them from oxidation until no free radicals are formed. Oxidation of lipoproteins is the initial step formation: atherosclerosis, hardening of the blood vessels and plays a role in liver damage

Vitamin C, Vitamin C dissolved in water, can not be produced by the body so must be from food or supplements (fruits and vegetables). Vitamin C is a potent free radicals can weaken and have a very important role in enhancing the immune system. Vitamin C and vitamin E runs over the body along the name molecular density, and to protect them from oxidation until no free radicals are formed.

SELENIUM, Selenium found in drinking water, broccoli, egg yolks, onion, garlic and red wine antioxidant Actually selenium but not useful for the production of enzyme-enzyme that functions as an antioxidant
Antioxidants Merger Impact
In Packer Laboratory, found that some antioxidants when combined have ability stronger. For example: when vitamin E is not competitive against free radicals, would in itself be a weak free radicals, and vitamin E can be recycled back to vitamin E until late aid of Vitamin C. Cooperation is a way mennyumbangkan electron to vitamin E to get back to being an anti-oxidant. So cooperation is meant to protect fellow anti-oxidants that are not oxidized, the cycle goes on, and can keep the body from an anti-oxidant balance Selenium can also work cooperatively with vitamin E to have a stronger effek

Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) is commonly used as a condiment or traditional medicine. Pungent components of ginger as 6 gingerol and 6-shogaol known to have antioxidant activity enough. From that ginger extract volatile components were removed by steam distilling, from the non volatile fraction after purification, were found four derivative compound gingerol and four different diarilheptanoid which have powerful antioxidant activity (Nakatani, 1992).

There are a number of phenolic compounds that have antioxidant activity have been successfully isolated from soybean (Glycine max L.), one of which is a flavonoid. Soybean flavonoid which is unique from all flavonoids isolated and identified are isoflavones.

Mechanism of action of antioxidants
as part of the normal metabolic processes of the body, the cells of our bodies produce metabolic waste known as free radicals. If left in the body, this will trigger free radical oxidation processes to occur that could damage more cells healthy, until the body becomes susceptible to health disorders, such as: the occurrence of premature aging, cancer or weak stamina to attack susceptible to viral infection. Besides originating from the normal process of metabolism, free radicals can also come from outside the body, that is, from second-hand smoke, pollution or pesticides that may remain in the food. Nutrient antioxidants works to prevent the occurrence of oxidation processes, so keep the body always healthy.

Mechanism of action of antioxidants has two functions. The first function is the main function of antioxidants that is the provider of the hydrogen atom. Antioxidants (AH), which has the main function is often referred to as primary antioxidants. This compound can provide a fast hydrogen atom to the radical lipida (R *, ROO *) or change it to a more stable form, while the antioxidant radical derivative (A *) is a more stable situation than radical lipida. Severance chain - currently free radical release or take electrons, free radicals are formed. Then this molecule will rotate, and do the same on other molecules, and produce other molecules, so beyond. This process occurs until the event of termination, or free radicals that are stabilized by antioxidant "chain breaker" as betakaroten, vitamin C and E.

Prevention - By reducing the level of chain initiation, namely to trigger initiation of free radicals, antioxidants can impede oxidation chain termination. They can also prevent oxidation by stabilizing transition metals such as copper and iron.

Effectiveness of antioxidants depends from the amount of work, how and where free radicals are produced and target destruction was. By doing so, in a process of antioxidants can protect us from the effects of free radicals, on the other systems do not take effect at all. Even in circumstances antioxidants can increase the oxidation process produces harmful types of oxygen.

The second function is a secondary function of antioxidants, namely slow speed autooksidasi with different mechanisms of chain termination mechanism outside autooksidasi with lipida radical alteration to more stable forms (Gordon, 1990).

The addition of antioxidants (AH) primary with low concentrations can inhibit or prevent lipida autooksidasi reaction of fats and oils. The increase could hinder the oxidation reaction at the initiation or propagation (Figure 1). Antioxidant radicals (A *) formed in the reaction of relatively stable and do not have enough energy to be able to react with other molecules forming lipida radical new lipida (Gordon, 1990).

Initiation: R * + AH ----> RH + A *
Radical lipida

Propagation: ROO * + AH ---> rooh + A *

Picture 1. Reaction Roadblocking primary antioxidant against radical lipida (Gordon 1990)

Large concentration of added antioxidants can influence the speed of oxidation. At high concentrations, the antioxidant activity of phenolic group often disappear even became prooksidan antioxidants (Figure 2). Influence of total concentration on the oxidation speed depending on the structure of antioxidants, condition and sample to be tested.
AH + O2 ----> A * + HOO * AH + rooh ---> RO * + H2O + A *

Photo 2. Antioxidants act as prooksidan at high concentration (Gordon 1990)

The role of antioxidants in health
aging process and degenerative diseases such as cardiovascular cancer, clogging of blood vessels covering hiperlipidemik, atherosclerosis, stroke, and high blood pressure and impaired immune system can be caused by oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress is a state of equilibrium and prooksidan total oxidants in the body. In this case, the activity of free radicals or reactive molecular oxygen species (ROS) can cause genetic damage and mobile. Lack of availability of nutrients and xenobiotic compounds from food or polluted environments are exacerbating the situation.

When speaking Japanese society or some Asian communities rarely have problems with a variety of degenerative diseases, this is caused by a rich menu of traditional healthy nutrients and bioactive components. These substances have the ability as an antioxidant, which play an important role in chemical reactions inhibit oxidation, which can damage the macromolecules and can cause various health problems.

Antioxidants vs cardiovascular and cancer

Positive role of antioxidants on cancer and cardiovascular disease (primarily caused by atherosclerosis / blockage and narrowing of blood vessels) also extensively researched. Antioxidants play a role in protecting low density lipoproteins (LDL) and very low (VLDL) from the oxidation reaction.

Prevention of atherosclerosis can be done with the use of antioxidants inhibit LDL oxidation of many substances found in food.

And as for cancer and tumor many specialist scholars agree that this disease originates from a mutated gene or DNA Tues Changes in the gene mutation can occur through replication error mechanisms and genetics offense that ranges between 10-15%, or external factors that alter DNA structure such as viruses, pollution, radiation, and xenobiotic compounds from food consumption of 80-85%. Free radicals and oxidation chain reaction that produced clear role in this mutation. And this risk can actually be reduced by consuming adequate amounts of antioxidants.

Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP

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