Update Terbaru BLUE.. Pada Article Hari Ini Penulis Akan Memberi Anda Cerita Yang Amat Menarik Hari Ini . Jadi Mari Kita Mula Membaca. Here is a biography of a disciple of Jesus Christ :

1. Simon Peter

Birth name - native - Simon Peter is Simon. Peter said, added later by the Lord Jesus. Peter said, is the Greek translation of the word Kefa - Aramaic, which means rock clown, coral. Simon Peter was born in Betasaida, John 1:44, His father named Yona or Jonah / John, Matthew 16:17, John 1:42, 21:15. His brother is Andreas. Matatius 10: 2.Simon Peter, James and John, including students who "closest" to the Lord Jesus, Mark 5: 37, 9:2, 14: 33.

Maybe once Simon Peter moved and lived and worked as a fisherman in Capernaum. At this point, Simon Peter and Andrew, see Jesus, Mark 1:29; Luke 4:38. When Simon Peter become followers or disciples of the Lord Jesus, it leaves a few things, among others:

  • nets or life support
  • bread and butter
  • employment and production for the whole family
  • parents and relatives
  • sickly-in-law

Simon Peter is the disciples of the Lord Jesus revealed himself most of the other pupils. Simon Peter was a very interesting natural properties - plus spiritual and educational awards that it received from the Lord Jesus - makes a lot of people are attracted to. In speech and act, Simon Peter to do with a particular way of expressing that nature. It never imitate the style and personality of others. Possessed originality is one of the true capital leadership. It is not a deep thought, warm-hearted, love according to conscience and act quickly, which is dominated by the impulse at the time as well. These things can be seen in the Bible, among other things:

  • Try - and a bit of work - walking on the water to find the Lord Jesus
  • Want to set up three tents on the Mount when Jesus was glorified God on the mountain-that Jesus, Moses, Elijah, and he lived in that place.
  • Did not let the Lord Jesus wash his feet
  • Arrogant loyalty
  • Dare defend the Lord Jesus with the pitch, and cutting one-soldier named Malkhus-that capture the Lord Jesus in Gethsemane
  • John ignore the doubters, and boldly enter into Jesus' tomb
  • While knowing the Lord Jesus stood on the shore, it menggenakan clothes, and jumped into the lake and swim to the side, because not wait boat loaded with fish, to meet Jesus.

After Pentecost
after the resurrection of Jesus, He manifests Himself specifically to Peter. In addition, the Lord Jesus takes Simon Peter's own restore. The recovery should be because Simon Peter had denied the Lord Jesus, Jn 21:15-19. The recovery was evident in the letter 1 and Peter.
changes within himself Simon Peter happened at Pentecost. It represents the students stand and preach to the people in Jerusalem, Acts 2:14-40. In later developments, Simon Peter became one of the first church leaders.
During a long enough period of time, he was instrumental in the development and growth of the Church or the First Church. Church history and tradition also shows that Simon Peter do ministry until he is old until his death in Rome. In the city of Rome it became Martyrs, by being crucified head down by the Emperor Nero, between yr 64 to 67 M

Jesus called Peter and Andrew

2. Andreas

In Greek, it means the guy Andreas. Simon Peter's brother is. They are derived from Betasida, John 1: 44. Before becoming disciples of the Lord Jesus, Andreas is a disciple of John the Baptist, John 1:40. Andrew and Simon Peter, including the first disciples called by the Lord Jesus, Mark 1:16-18; Acts 1:13.

Andreas was first identified as a disciple of John the Baptist. This shows that it is very attentive to spiritual values. They respond to what was taught by John the Baptist about repentance, the Kingdom of God and the Last Judgment. The Sinoptis - Matthew, Mark, Luke - not to mention the first meeting between Andreas and the Lord Jesus. However, John appreciate the matter as a most sacred memories.

The Bible shows that, when John the Baptist pointing that Jesus as the Lamb of God who bears our sins, Andreas and John turned to follow him. Andreas encounter with the Lord Jesus so important that it is always telling others about Jesus, and brought it to him. Bringing his brother Simon Peter, the Lord Jesus. "Andreas first met Simon, his brother, and he said to him," We have found the Messiah, that is to say Christ ". He brought him to Jesus, John 1:41 "
Bring the Greeks, which asks whom the Lord Jesus Christ, Mark 13:3
Bringing a boy who had the barley loaves and fishes to Jesus, so that he could feed 5000 people more, John 6:8-9

After Pentecost
Andreas is not only the first followers of Christ, it is also the first Christian worker, he was the first to lead others to the Lord Jesus. Adreaslah that convey to others about Christ, and then bring it to him, compare. John 1: 42, 12:21, 22.History and tradition also began to notice that the church began, Andreas preach the Gospel reach in Southern Russia and the Balkan Peninsula. Andreas died by crucifixion in Akhaya - Patras - Greece. Andreas is also connected with the apocryphal Book: Acta Andreas.

3. James, son of Zebedee,

Name of James, - Iakobos, a Greek form of the Hebrew word means the Ya'qov-heel hold, a liar. He was also given a new meaning that is, God protect. James and his brother John, they are first cousins of Jesus, John 19: 25, their parents are Zebedee and Salome, Matthew 27:56, Mark 15:40. Before becoming disciples of the Lord Jesus, James and John and their father worked as a fisherman, Luke 5:10-11. It co-John and Simon Peter became a disciple closest to Jesus.

James including the disciples of the Lord Jesus was very enthusiastic and ambitious. Together John, they dare to reveal the thoughts that tend to ignore and degrade other people around, so was named the sons of thunder or Boanerges before the Lord Jesus, among others:

  • sat beside him, if later reigned as king, Mark 10:35-45
  • asked permission to Jesus, so they sent fire down from heaven, Luke 9:51-56
  • James - even Simon Peter and Yohane s-important witness in the Lord Jesus, among others: when awakening son Jairus, Jesus glorified and change the face of Jesus on a hill, by the death of Jesus on the cross
  • Although James, Peter and John Simon also include students close to the Lord Jesus, he still had the air tempramen "fire - fire" and rough.

After Pentecost
King Herod Agrippa I, in between 41 to 44 M, Acts 12: 2, capture James and killed with the sword beheaded to death

4. John, son of Zebedee,

John - Greek, Ioanes, from the Hebrew word, Yeho - nah, Yohanan: literally means the Pigeon is a common name in the New Testament. John means, give the gift of YHWH, He is blessing the Lord God artau Thanks. Zebedee family comes from Galilee, including a family rich enough and saw. It has a fleet of ships and a few assistants to help him in the fishing business, Mark 1:19 - 20. John is the youngest of the couple Zebedee and Salome. Together with his brother James referred to or a degree Thunder sons, Mark 3:17.

When summoned Lord Jesus, John became disciples of the Lord Jesus, who is the youngest in her youth might just leave or in early adulthood. This shows that it has not reached adulthood personality. This should be reflected in its properties, which indicates that:

  • very shy and reticent to talk about themselves
  • not want menonjokan themselves, including never mention his name in the Bible, but wear a third category of people or hide their identity by an expression such as "Beloved Disciples of Jesus"
  • have properties that are not tolerant, touchiness of the things that they deem to be true
  • very hard to fight those who bertantangan with understanding
  • James was named co Boarnerges or thunder children, perhaps because they were full of vitality Galilee and air immediately, and sometimes less heed discipline sometimes misdirected, Luke 9:49

With all the disadvantages and advantages personality John called the Lord Jesus to be one of His disciples. Attributes that, sometimes appear when serving with the Lord Jesus. It is visible in several events, among others

  1. harsh reaction coming from a hard character and understandable to the people of Samaria, who reject Jesus' mission through their village, Luke 9:54
  2. John and James also have ambitions for the regular is not true about the image the kingdom of God, which will be developed or established by Jesus
  3. with egoism which floats, accompanied by a willingness to suffer without purpose,
  4. striking at the instigation of their mother, Matthew 20: 20 in the request forwarded to the Lord Jesus, together with James allowed himself to occupy a special place and honor, when later Jesus sitting on His throne, Mark 10:27

John, Peter and James Simon also became an important witness in the Lord Jesus, among others, when the rise of Jairus son, Mark 5:37; Jesus glorified and change the face of Jesus on a hill, Mark 9:2; events of Gethsemane by the death of Jesus on the cross, Mark 14:33, and also prepare the final Passover Supper, Luke 22:8

After Pentecost
After returning from exile on the island of Patmos, John serve and lead the church until old age and died in Ephesus.Tradition has it that he was killed during the reign of emperor Traianus, at the beginning of II century AD. Lord Jesus transformed into messengers of John Love. It shows the manifestation of God's love in Jesus accurately. It knows love Jesus solemnly. In all his letters letter writing or the Gospel of John, 1, 2, 3 John, Rev. John wore expressions of love 80 times. John shows Jesus experience the love of God through his works as contained in the Bible:

  • The Lord God is love, John 15:10
  • God loved His Son, John 10:17, 17:23-26
  • God loved the disciples of Jesus, John 16:27, 17:23
  • God loves man, John 3:16
  • Lord God, loved by Jesus, John 14:31
  • God loves each specifically personal, John 11:5, 36, 13:23
  • Love the Lord God is general, John 13:1-34, 14:21, 15:9-10
  • Jesus expect people to love Him and His Father, John 8:42, 14:23
  • Jesus expect all people love one another, John 13:34-35, 15:12-13

5. Philip

Philip Greek, meaning Philippos, his horse may still Greek descent, or have a close relationship with the Greeks. Despite having namaYunani, but do not have the intelligence Yunani.Yudea. Philip is a medium pupils, slow to make decisions, refuse to act with their own initiative, and have a superficial understanding of the Word of God. It carefully and almost like a robot. What he received out what it is. Her mind quickly react to something less that confronted him. Philip weak in spiritual imagination, intuitive, and understanding the consequences of following Christ bear Philip was born in Bethsaida, John 1:44, comes from the same city with Peter and Andreas a small town

Lord Jesus never mengetest Philip in John 6: 5, It asked Philip, "Where shall we buy bread, that these may eat a lot of people?. Lord Jesus to do so for knowing, believing, and prove their understanding of Himself for it follow Him. Philip has failed the "test" this, because it wears calculations in faith, John 6: 7. It too careful with a practical attitude, be worried, because too many calculations. In the end, Philip became part of the plan of God, Jesus, having done the feeding 5000 people, so that they understand the Divine side of Christ's mission. Philip also appears a "driver" that can not lead. It was evident when he failed to introduce the Greeks to Jesus, John 12: 20 to 22, because it may be afraid of Jesus reject these people. Therefore, he giveth to Andreas. In fact, it is possible that the Greek people to come to him because Philip had greece relationship based on its name. John 14: 7-12, show that Philip has long follow Christ but do not know Christ to actually

After Pentecost
the Lord Jesus After rising to heaven and after Philip received the gift of the Holy Spirit, Philip doing the preaching ministry of the Gospel in Asia Minor, now Turkey. In the ministry, he died martyred.

Philip and the eunuch Sida

6. Nathanael / Bartolomeus

Nathanael name, means "gift of God", another name is, Bartolomeus means "son Tolmai" or son of Tolmai, Matthew 10:3; John 1:45. Nathanael / Bartolomeus comes from Cana in Galilee, John 21: 2. Philip's lead or introduce Natanae l / Bartolomeus the Lord Jesus.

Of all the disciples of the Lord Jesus, Nathanael is the only one free to follow Jesus. It is not sure at the invitation of Philip to follow the Lord Jesus. Nathanael / Bartolomeus hit prejudices influence. That is what makes it wobble.Kepadanmya When Philip said, "We have found Him of whom Moses in the Torah and the prophets, which is Jesus, son of Joseph from Nazareth", John 1: 45. Nathanael said to him critically, "Can anything good from Nazareth? "2
But the good thing in Nathanael, is it not letting sangsinya hinder sense to listen to the evidence, Philip, that he met the Messiah. In response to a short answer Philip, Nathanael met Jesus went with him. When saw Nathanael coming, Jesus cried out, "Look this is a true Israelite, there is no error in it". Lord Jesus Nathanael found within a solid basis for the development of life and spiritual life and faith. Nathanael open-minded, honest and without falsehood, was amazed that Jesus dared to express an opinion as to their nature, but they have never met, so he said, "How do you know me?"Within the confines of Nathanael have identification and recognition of Jesus as" Rabbi, thou art the Son of God, thou art the King of Israel " After Pentecost According to tradition history of the Church, Nathanael serve in Mesopotamia, Likoania, and Armenia. In his ministry, he died Sahid to be skinned alive.

7. Tomas

Thomas, meaning twin, is the Greek form, Thoma, from the Aramaic / Hebrew To'am. First Church of citizens who speak the Greek language, say hello to mention Didymos, or the Twin. Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke just include the name Tomas quick, or just write a lot and without comment as one of the twelve disciples of the Lord Jesus, see Matthew 10: 2-4: Mark 3:16-19; Luke 6:14-16; Acts 1:13. The Gospel of John provides notes about the "role" Tomas moment with the Lord Jesus, that is;

when the Lord Jesus will leave Judea to raise Lazarus. At that time the disciples reminded Jesus that in the place It narrowly killed. But Jesus kept to Judea. Then he said to the other disciples, "Let us also go to die with Him", John 11:16

he pleaded not understand where the Lord Jesus to go, when he was preparing the disciples His departure Muid description to come, John 14:5

it is referred to Tomas also do not believe, because they do not believe that Jesus has risen. It was not there when the Lord Jesus appeared to the disciples, John 20: 24: it requires real evidence that could be touched on the resurrection. A week later the Lord Jesus showed himself again to the disciples including Thomas to witness statement evidence - real evidence of the resurrection of His body. At this time Thomas acknowledged Jesus to be, My Lord and my God, John 20:28.

After Pentecost
meeting with the risen Jesus changed him. The meeting made produce faith dispel hesitancy in him, the spirit of his life and strong willpower write for glory and the kingdom of God. It could be seen from the records of history Gerejah by Eusebius IV century:
pioneering Gospel Messages on Governments, the Parthians. First brought the gospel to India, especially in Malabar and Tranvancore - South India until birth Mar Thoma Church, which evolved to the present, and produce Reporters gospel that brings the Gospel to Indonesia in Barus V century, the west coast of North Sumatra

8. Matthew

Matthew was a Galilean who was born in Capernaum by the name of Levi, meaning together. His father Alfeus, and his mother was Maria, who was not the mother of Jesus. Family are followers of Judaism - Judaism - a devout and fanatical.And the people are very nationalist who has a high devotion to God and love of their existence as a Jew. Despite disappointing his parents, Matthew worked as a tax collector - even the head of tax office or customs - who worked for the Roman government. Working as a tax collector is very not like the Jews, to be equated with sinners.

When the Lord Jesus in Capernaum and on the way to the beach, He saw Levi / Matthew were in the house checkpoint duty or tax lease. Jesus said to him, "Follow Me! "Luke 5: 27, 28. Immediately, Matthew left his job and his deception of sin.
Having know the Lord Jesus, it changed its name to Matthew, - the Greek form of the Hebrew language, Mattai, meaning gift of God-God

After Pentecost
Matthew doing service work and to preach the Gospel in Etiophia, Africa. Matthew wrote the Gospel that specifically addressed to the people - the Jews. As the former head of tax office, Matthew has grown accustomed to their jobs and capabilities in the detailed report and Systematically. The ability of it to use in the re-write all the information about the Lord Jesus. The resulting work, known in the Gospel of Matthew. Matthew Holy Spirit wear until it is able to write back almost all the important notes about Jesus - Birth - Good Friday - Easter-Last Post before he ascended into Heaven, which was then in the know as the Great Commission of Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Matthew.

9. James, son Alfeus
James, to distinguish with James Son of Zebedee, brother of John it is referred to as the son of James Alfeus. James and Matthew is the son of Alfeus and Maria, Mark 15:40. It is known as the James - just - and pupils mediocre. In the Gospel of Mark, it is referred to James Young or James Small. It is caused due to small body posture, and age younger than James son of Zebedee, brother of John. Before becoming disciples of the Lord Jesus, Son of James Alfeus worked as a tax collector, who worked as a tax collector, without coercion of the people as well as traders. no accurate explanation that indicates the reason the Son of God Jesus choose James Alfeus as one of his disciples. James Son Alfeus are people who never present themselves. Of all pupils - His disciples, James son Alfeus, who never agitate the Lord Jesus. It never returned to his bad habits, be skeptical or have offenses under the meaning. The grounds of the Son of God Jesus choose James Alfeus as a pupil, probably because:

  • it is very simple, do not worry about any kind
  • does not reflect the personal identity
  • prioritize the work the Lord God in the world
  • it worked with full devotion, wherever he sent it to discharge its duties properly
  • defend the faith without expecting honor from anyone also

After Pentaksosta
name James Son Alfeus written in the history of the development of the preaching the Gospel and the Church of God.But, do not record how it performs the task of ministry. James Son Alfeus evangelize up in Spain, England and Ireland and then back to Yeruslem. Final ministry in Persia, and was killed on the spot

10. Thadeus
Thadeus are the disciples of the Lord Jesus, who has three names at once, that Thadeus, Lebbaeus, and that is her real name Jude. Judas or Judah - which is different from Judas Iscariot - means Jehovah leads or it will be recognized.
Thadeus, Mark 3:18, is the family name. Lebbaeus, from the Hebrew-Leb / Lev means heart, reflects the warmth and earnest character; in Greek means the hearts of children, those who dare. His father James, who differ with James son of Zebedee and James son Alfeus. Thadeus it be through questions to ask the Lord Jesus at the Last Supper, John 14: 18, 19: 21. The Bible is not much to explain about Thadeus. It is less prominent among pupils - pupils, but it does not mean it does not or less believe. The purpose of the hearing the Lord Jesus is His disciples. Jesus said that He will return to express Himself to them. Thadeus get confused, how the Lord Jesus manifests Himself to them without being seen by others. Though he can do it, why just show Himself to the disciples only, and not to the world. Even if all the disciples asked, just Thadeus Who dare to ask or talk. In reply to a question Thadeus, the Lord Jesus did not explain his presence in real and pervasive. It happened because he wanted to get a sense of the heart. Therefore, the answer of Jesus shows, John 14: 23, that the only real devotion to the Lord through love. Thadeus show devotion and diligence and mencurakan life and life to the God of Jesus. Thadeus started the call with the name of the Lord Jesus, John 14:22.

After Pentecost
Thadeus, doing ministry to preach the Gospel in Syria, precisely EDESA, in kemudaian day, after the fall of Jerusalem, the center of Christianity EDESA Development and First Church. Thadeus and some of his disciples were caught in Schavarschar - Syria, and sentenced to death.

11. Simon Zelot The
Bible does not give much evidence or Introduction of the disciples of the Lord Jesus. To distinguish this with Simon Peter Simon, he called Simon People Zelot, or Simon People Kanaani. Zelot is the tribe or group pembrontak against Roman rule. Kanaani, comes from the word that means Kana people are very hard working, very active and very enthusiastic.Simon The Zelot is a follower and also forged and educated in Galilee Judas of Gamala. Judas is probably one of the rebel leaders Makabeus Jewish descent against the Roman government. This group is a follower of "Theokrasi" a pure, religious and fanatical. This movement is called Zelot, compare Acts 5:37. This group educates its members to suicide for the sake of survival and progress of the nation and the Jewish religion. And so lowers the Romans who ruled them.

It is possible Simon People Zelot become disciples of the Lord Jesus in the hope, he became the leader rovolusioner, is capable of releasing Palestinian revolution. No activities for becoming so prominent disciples of the Lord Jesus. Simon The Zelot left political organization and political position

After Pentecost,
Simon People Zelot become evangelists in Egypt - Africa, then in England, then returned to Egypt. After a missionary in Egypt, Simon joined Thaddeus Zelot People in Syria and Persia. The Zelot Simon and Thaddeus, both of them tortured, stoned stone, timber and then killed with the sword in Persia.

12. Judas Iscariot
Judas Greek noun, which is adapted from the Hebrew, the son of Simon Iscariot, John 6: 71, 13: 26 - that is to say.Kariot, a small town, in Judea. Iscariot, meaning comes from. So Judas Judas Iscariot is derived from Kariot. In the list of the disciples, Judas always mentioned or included very end, because he betrayed Jesus, Matthew 10: 4. Judas committed suicide, after he saw the suffering of Jesus as a result of his betrayal.

Having become a disciple of Jesus, Judas served as financial cashier, John 12:6, 13:29 Judas was actually not a traitor, in the sense that it seeks to implement the death of Jesus. It is the same with students - other students, they will await the Government Established by the Lord Jesus Messiah. It is getting impatient, when the Lord Jesus from day to day delay establishment of the Kingdom of the Messiah.

Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP

1. http://www.vickywibisono.8k.com/favorite_links.html
2. http://ipmfoundation.org/berita-205-saya-butuh-anda-dan-anda-butuh-saya-ii.html
3. http://wol.jw.org/id/wol/d/r25/lp-in/1102003033

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