Update Terbaru BLUE.. Pada Article Hari Ini Penulis Akan Memberi Anda Cerita Yang Amat Menarik Hari Ini . Jadi Mari Kita Mula Membaca.
Today I'm at the book blog of Dead End Follies. Please follow me there if you have the time :) I appreciate your support.

Also below is the fifth part of my short story, the Insanity of Zero.

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four

Does our fear of death define how we choose to live?
“The last archangel?  Like Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and others?”
“Yes.  He’ll be born as a human with free will to choose his destiny.”
“What about the other archangels?  Why is he the last?” Eve asked.
“I don’t know what happened to them.  They’ve been gone a long time.”
“Were they human?  And how do you know they’ve gone?”
“No, and, I just do.  Ask yourself when the last time anyone that you knew saw an angel.  They left long ago.”
“What could cause you to fail?” Eve asked.
“I don’t know.”
Eve stood there observing me for some time.  “Can you combine with me?  Somehow, allow your mind to join with mine but still give me the ability to control myself; to maintain my autonomy?”
“Yes.  But it would require a cortical implant.  You would have to sacrifice some of your long-term memories to make room for the device within your skull.”
“What would I retain?”
“Only the things that meant the most to you; I could make certain that those memories were not harmed.  Things that were of little importance to you or memories that you wanted to forget. Those are things that could be sacrificed.”
“Would I remember my mother’s funeral?”
“Is it precious to you?”
“Why?  Why would you want to remember so painful a thing?”
“Death defines our life, Z.E.R.O.  Perhaps you’ll understand that when you’ve combined with me.  Humans make many decisions based on mortality.”
“But I’m immortal.  I don’t see how my understanding death would influence my decisions.”
“Which is precisely why you need to do this,” Eve said.  She took a step forward and touched my hand with hers.  Her skin was warm, alive.  It was the first time a human had touched me. I found it beautiful and I smiled at her.
“Is this the beginning?” I asked.
“Yes,” she said. I found her reassurance comforting.

Click Here for Part 6
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